Exciting News


For Adults

Employee assistance plans are exceptional benefits that often accompany medical plans. They cover a variety of services that target the whole person. What would happen if some of the underlying aggregators of conditions like hypertension, anxiety, depression, and stress could be reduced before they lead to chronic conditions? Sometimes pre-work can stave off internalized feelings otherwise left to rampantly attack our self-worth. The Pre-EAP workshops are designed to discover whether activating some early strategies and planning can reduce the need for a chronic treatment plan or assist in better explanations of your emotions to a medical professional.
***Disclaimer: No Refilled Glasses workshop is designed to replace, duplicate, or discourage seeking or continuing treatment /advice provided by a medical professional.

Patterns are part of our identity. They are the basis for our values and visions for our lives. But, what happens when those visions are saturated with negative stimuli? Continuing patterns of poverty mindsets, accepting low performance, and disregarding educational transformation can be the difference between a star that catapults or one that crashes and burns.

This workshop is designed to unravel patterns that negatively impact critical thinking, innovative ideas, and achievement mindsets by formulating action plans to break down barriers and discover the possibilities awaiting on the other side of exposure.

You have worked hard to attain the necessary knowledge, skills, certifications, and experiences. On paper you are the ideal person to move into the vacant or newly created seat. Just when you are about to press “send” or turn the doorknob you freeze.

This workshop is designed for the “what-if’s” that sabotage desires to take risks, venture forth, and step into our true identities. You did the work, now let’s reap the accolades. Let’s create ways to “zip the lips” of our internal critic by demonstrating you, not someone else, really do deserve to be here!

For Young People

These sessions are designed for adolescent females between the ages of 11-18.

  • You Are Worth It! – Define your value and move within your privileges.
  • Tighter vs. Fitted – Dressing for your body type with style in mind.
  • Seeing is Believing – The attributes you show build your reputation.
  • Name Calling – It’s what you answer to positive or negative labels

These sessions are designed for adolescent males between the ages of 11-18.

  • King  Pull up and walk upright to possess the roles you were created to dominate.
  • Chivalry and Manners  Manhood is courteous. 
  • Footprints  Use S.M.A.R.T. goals to build actions to propel you forward.
  • Destroying the Myths  Emotions are human not weakness.

These are joint sessions for both groups of adolescents that focus on common factors to enhance their development and discovery of life professional traits to become future leaders.

  • Social Intelligence – Use emotional intelligence combined with Maslow’s Hierarchy and Bloom’s Taxonomy to build your talent arsenal
  • Backwards Planning – Education for Entrepreneurship  Educate yourself with tools that lead to being in charge.
  • Time Management  Arrive like you mean business.
  • Personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (S.W.O.T.) Analyses  Determine where you need work to ensure you always have options.

When asked if they are self aware, most people will answer affirmatively. Some might even stress the magnitude but, many cannot explain exactly what that means in terms of their actions or lack thereof.

This workshop examines the (5) tenets of the emotional construct designed to uncover the interconnectivity of empathy, self-regulation, social skills, self-awareness, and motivation. The impact of emotional intelligence is significant in teamwork, attitude, attentiveness, and other areas of life that can be enhanced based on how well we balance and perceive our emotions in congruence with those of others.

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